Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Company Newsletter - July 2010

Check out the latest news of the five companies within the M J Hillson Group. This edition includes:-

Wates - Challney School Update
Build a bungalow project - in association with Barnfield College.
Innovation Osite - ISO9001 Accreditation Award
Health & Safety Project League Table
Our Shining Stars

and much more!
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Thursday, 12 August 2010

Using Business Case Studies

M J Hillson project case studies are not only be used on our website, but also across our entire marketing mix. Here are a few examples where these are used:-
• Provide links to our case studies in our emails
• Use a wide variety of examples that can be sent electronically to prospective clients.
• They can be printed and used as handouts.
• They make good news stories for our newsletters and can even be to support power point presentations
• Use quotes from them and build a library of testimonials that can support press releases, flyers or brochures, they can also be particularly useful to support tenders as examples of good practice.

We write ours to give some background information to enable our clients to grasp the project from a note form description. We highlight issues that arose during the project and how these were overcome.
The use of client quotations cannot be underestimated. A good recommendation is important to both our reputation and for propective clients reassurance.
Our case studies are visually pleasing with a designed template and where possible an impact made through a good quality picture showing example works.
Please view the link to see some of our case studies. Please feel free to comment on them and give us feedback where improvements can be made.
Many Thanks,